Friday, 7 September 2007

We're back!! September 2007

Hello and welcome back to the HSI blog. It's been a while but we have been resting up for the summer and recharging the batteries for the new school year!

Over the summer, other than resting and enjoying a good holiday, Diana and I have been plugging HSI out in Haverhill at the Big Day Out which was back in July on the Rec in Haverhill. It was a great day, if not a little windy. We met with lots of young people and families through playing the game 'The Price is Right' just for a bit of fun to encourage people over. Hopefully it will have raised awareness of what HSI does to both children and their parents.

This term we will have Rock Solid up and running very shortly in Parkway and will be back in Castle Manor for the Christian lunch. We hope to get CU's and Rock Solid's into other schools as well as lots of assemblies and lessons.

As well as all this I am going to be undertaking some part time study with Cliff College, I will be studying for an MA in Emerging Church so if you have any ideas and thoughts it would be great to hear some! Hopefully this will help me explore some of the ways in which we can engage young people, in a quite contrasting culture with the true concept of Church.

Well, more on what's happening week by week later, please keep us in your prayers and pray for the staff and children back at school now.

Take care.

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