Friday, 14 September 2007

Monday 17th-Friday 21st September 07


Well Diana and I are preparing for lots of work ahead of us as we return back to normality!

This week is looking good with some old things continuing and new things starting. if you want any more details on any of the things we are involved in please don't hesitate to leave a comment and we'll get back to you.

Here's how the next week is shaping up...

Sunday evening- We are running a Youth Alpha with the Methodist church for 13+ in the evening. If you know of someone who would really like to come to this please get in touch with me via or phone 07875 485520. Youth Alpha is similar to the adult Alpha course but done with young people's culture in mind, it's fun and relevant and leaves space for lots of questions. Diana and her husband Jay, myself and my husband Simon will be running this. For more info on Youth Alpha check out

***Another Youth Alpha course will be starting at Samuel Ward College from Thursday October 4th from 2.45 until 3.25 meeting in the Conference room.***

Monday-I'm off to Newmarket Youth For Christ to meet with my mentor in the morning.

Tuesday-Castle Manor's Christian lunch starts back (note chnge of day), this is an opportunity to meet with other Christian staff and students, to encourage one another and discuss different things. We meet from 12.45.

Thursday-An assembly with the year 5's at Parkway Middle, and the start of Rock Solid again, meeting in the gym, year 5 & 7's.

Friday-Rock Solid at Parkway for years 6 & 8.

I will be heading for Cliff College to do a week of study later in the afternoon, please pray for safe travel.

There will be no update on the blog next Friday as I will be away, Rock Solid will continue with Diana whilst I am away.

Please pray for the work in the schools this year as we are taking on more and our diary is filling up, we appreciate all the support we recieve. Please encourage any young people you know who may also want to attend any of these activities.

Have a great weekend.

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