Friday, 20 April 2007

Monday 23-Friday 27 April 07

Hello! I'm back, after a lovely Easter and a refreshing break and now the term is beckoning me into the schools!

Over the past two weeks I have really had the opportunity to catch up with paper work and planning and spend some good time thinking about praying about the term ahead with new challenges of lunch time groups.

This week we have two groups starting, on Tuesday is the start of Castle Manor's lunch time group, from 12:30, please keep this time in your prayers. Also on Thursday is the start of the Rock Solid at Parkway Middle, starting at 12:45. What an exciting and promising week ahead, I have already heard that kids have been asking at Parkway when it's going to start! First week is looking at things 'extreme' and how big and eternal God is! Extreme relays and extreme skittles are all part of the fun! This is such a promising club and prayer is vital to keep it real, so please pray for the children, Diana (a volunteer leader) and myself.

I am also looking ahead to a HSI Celebration. We have decided to spend a Saturday evening celebrating the 12 yrs of HSI and to give thanks for those years of work and particularly for all that God's enabled in the past school year! We hope this will be a great evening, so please please keep Saturday 23rd June in your really don't want to miss out! Time's and venue will be announced in due course!

I hope that is enough to keep you praying for us, we value everyone's support and prayer for HSI.

Have a great and sunny weekend.

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