Friday, 23 March 2007

Monday 26-Friday 30 March 07


What a change we have had, the first day of Spring has now come and gone with snow!! Don't we live in a funny world!!

Had a good week though been battling a little with bugs going round, I'd really appreciate your prayers, I've been feeling quite under the weather and I have a busy week coming! Apart from that I had an excellent assembly yesterday with yrs 5 and 6 at Parkway which was certainly loud and entertaining!! The kids showed a lot of interest in Rock Solid too which is very promising!

So this coming week...

Tuesday: Mentoring at Chalkstone Middle.

Wednesday: Samuel Ward yr11 RE day, I'll be spending the morning speaking to 8 groups about my testimony so each pupils hears why I am a Christian and what that means to my life! Great opportunity!
I also have a meeting with Rob Ryan from Youth For Christ to just see what's going on and fill in YFC about what's happening in HSI.

Friday: Mudflaps.

I'll have lots of planning to finalise bits for next term so it's going to be a good week.

I won't be blogging again til after Easter as I am taking holiday from Monday 2nd April-Thursday 5th but will be away over the bank holiday too. So for now and far ahead have a very special Easter! And I'll be back for an exciting term ahead!

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