Sunday, 3 December 2006

The work of Monday 4th-Friday 8th December '06

Hello again.

This week coming is fairly busy's what's happening;

Monday I'm back to KEGS with BCY in Bury for another Yr9 Christmas lesson with James Tennant.

Tuesday I've got a lesson with the Yr7 RE group talking about 'Growing Up as a Christian', another chance to share my testimony and answer questions.

Thursday I'm back in Parkway with another Yr7 RE lesson.

Friday I have a late morning lesson at Parkway again with Yr7 RE then I have to rush over to Clare Middle to do a Christmas assembly.

Hopefully it will be another great week especially with the lessons so please pray for an openness from the young people and staff.

Have a good week.


Phil Stanbury-Jones said...

Please can you explain what KEGS is?

Beckie said...

Sorry, KEGS is King Edwaard Upper School.