Friday, 8 December 2006

The work of Monday 11th-Friday 15th 06

Hi after a busy week I'm just writing a quick update for the coming week...

Monday: Meeting with Kathie my mentor in the morning and a Yr7 RE lesson on 'Growing Up as a Christian' at Parkway Middle, then the HSI Exec meeting in the evening.

Tuesday: Yr7 assembly at Parkway, 'A Christmas Gift' theme.

Wednesday: A meeting with Youth Services.

Friday: Meeting with RE Co-ordinator at Castle Manor.

Things are quietening off now due to the Christmas activities in school so I will be looking forward to preparing things for the New Year.

Have a good weekend.


Phil Stanbury-Jones said...

Thanks for the update Beckie. I will pass on the URL for this Blog to our Chruch Secretary to see if we can include a summary in our newsletter (or at least a link to the blog) as there are many supportes of HSI in Clare that would be interested to keep abreast of what you are up to.

Howard said...

I'm Phil's Church Sec. Great idea and we will put in what we can in the Weekly Newsletter (sometimes a bit pushed for space). Glad to have you with us - maybe see you at Clare B.C. sometime?