Friday, 4 July 2008

Monday 7-11 July 08

Sorry I didn't write last week, after a week of activities in Parkway I was exhausted. It was a great week and having the opportunity to chat with both staff and students was well as all the adventures of kayaking, cycling, cooking and much more! The conversations that came out of the week gave me food for thought of some of the challenges our young people face. Hope 08 is about sharing Hope with all people and it came very clear that some young people experience very little hope in their lives.
Lets pray that the message of hope will reach all people, and especially our young people who face many issues.
A big thank you to all who helped and came along to the Hope Fun Day. We had beautiful weather and a great day meeting lots of new people. We hope you enjoyed the day!
So, this coming week...
Tuesday: Parkway Middle RE lesson on Confirmation and Baptism
Thursday: Rock Solid
Friday: Rock Solid
Cafe Vibe: Another night for those 13-18, 7.30-10pm held in the new look Next Door, Camps Road. Play Stations, Cafe, music and more. Please advertise this to anyone you know who may be interested.
Have a great weekend.

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