Thursday, 3 April 2008

Monday 7th-Friday 11th April 08

Hope you have had a good Easter break.
We are back i the swing of things this week;
Tuesday: Parkway Middle , year 7 RE, commitment as a Christian
Breakout planning meeting (pm)
Thursday: Rock Solid, Parkway Middle
Friday: Parkway Middle , year 7 RE, commitment as a Christian x2
Rock Solid, Parkway Middle
Cafe Vibe Quiz night
Cafe Vibe, is a Friday night cafe we are launching this Friday for Upper School aged YP, (14-18 years). It will be free to come to, but with a coffee shop, and a relaxed environment to invite friends. The first Cafe Vibe will have a quiz night.
Details: Friday 11th April
Time: 7.30-10pm
Venue: Next Door, Camps Road, Haverhill
(Photography may be taken at this event and used in the public domain)

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