Thursday, 3 January 2008

Happy New Year

Happy 2008! I hope that you have all had a peaceful and restful Christmas and New Year.

As I was standing by the Thames in London on New Years Eve you could feel a sense of expectancy, as everyone cheered and watched the fireworks. It got me thinking, what are we expectant of?

At this time of year people sit making resolutions, often that won't be kept. Are we expecting God to change us and our nation in 2008?

This year is HOPE 08, a year of encouraging loving service to our community. Are we going to take action during this yer to encourage people around us to find Jesus. Are we going to spend more time praying for our communities.

This year we want to see the Church of Britain pulling together for the Kingdom. One part of HOPE 08 is that we want to see a million hours of kindness shown in the UK. If you are doing something different, especially with your youth groups, perhaps serving through car washing or gardening for local people pledge your hour by e-mailing and I will post it on here to inspire others.

This year can be one where we are expectant. So as we go through 2008 I urge you top pray for the young people of Haverhill and district that their hearts my be changed and that their passion will be for Jesus.

Happy 2008!

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