Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Tuesday 30th-Friday 2nd February 07

I hope you have had a good weekend. This week is looking busy as term is well underway so here's how this week is looking for your prayers.

Wednesday: I have my weekly mentoring session at Chalkstone Middle which is followed by a Youth Services meeting to see how this work is going and how we can improve it.

Thursday: I'm in Clare for the Churches Together meeting in the evening.

Friday: I'm starting the morning off with an assembly on Commitment (yes more baked beans and jelly) with the whole school at Castle Manor followed by a year 10 RE lesson on 'Prejudice' which is the first of five lessons in Castle Manor. These are the first lessons and the first assembly I have taken at Castle Manor so please pray that it is received well and opens up great discussions.

I hope you have a good week.

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